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Students who graduate from 韦德体育app官网 have demonstrated success in two programs of study: Their major degree program and OU’s innovative 通识教育 program. 在为职业成功而深入学习的同时, the 通识教育 program provides students opportunities to cultivate the skills valued by employers and essential to successful engagement as 公民 and members of local and global communities.

批判性思维的核心技能, 有效的沟通, 信息素养, and social awareness shape all of the courses offered in our 通识教育 program. Because they are essential to our students’ educational and future success, 这些核心技能被视为大学学习成果(ULOs)。.

  • 至关重要的思想家 是否具备全面探索问题的能力, 的想法, 工件, 在接受或形成一种观点或结论之前. 他们分析, 评估, 并综合相关信息, 不同的观点, 推论, 和/或假设, 为了得出有根据的结论.
  • 有效的沟通者 分析修辞情境, 使他们的话语适应不同的体裁和媒介, 道德地对待他们的来源和原始材料, and meet the expectations of a variety of discourse communities in the academy and beyond. 它们传达思想, 参数, 或口头分析清楚,有说服力, 写, 或者视觉形式, and they apply 有效的沟通 skills as appropriate to the context and intended audiences.
  • 公开大学毕业生 信息素养的 公民 谁会反思地发现和评估信息, 了解这些信息是如何产生和价值的, and use information responsibly and ethically to create new knowledge and participate as lifelong learners in society. 他们有效地整合相关信息源,构建新的, 或者添加到现有的, 公众或专业的理解.
  • 有社会意识的公民 demonstrate their intercultural competence and consider the ethical implications of their words, 行动, 对其他社区的参与或漠不关心. 他们运用原则, 方法, 价值体系, 或者将伦理与当地和全球社区面临的社会问题联系起来.

韦德体育app官网’s 通识教育 program has a three-part structure that complements every major, 给学生一个很好的平衡, 完善的教育. 完整的需求可在 课程目录.

  • 基金会 courses prepare students for writing and reasoning in their professional lives.
  • 探索 课程提供了对宇宙、社会和人类的理解.
  • 集成 课程培养学生解决现实世界的问题.

基金会 courses prepare students for writing and reasoning in their professional lives.


公开大学学生必须满足写作基础要求. 你会学到有效写作和修辞的要素. Composition II (WRT 1060) meets this requirement, but students who do not qualify (based on 课程分班测验)将首先需要完成先决条件课程. 参见写密集的 集成 选项卡.


  • Elements, writing processes, and organizing strategies for creating analytical and expository prose
  • Effective rhetorical strategies appropriate to the topic, audience, context and purpose

这一领域包括计算机科学等学科的课程, 数学, 统计数据, linguistics and logic that require students to use formal reasoning systems to model and solve problems. A formal reasoning course must be taken prior to junior standing (56 credits).


  • 一种或多种形式推理系统,如计算机程序设计, 数学, 统计数据, 语言学或逻辑学
  • Read, understand, model and solve problems across a variety of applications

OU students are required to take one course in each of the seven knowledge explorations categories outlined below. 在这里,你将学到广泛的知识和分析技能.

在完成这些课程的同时, keep in mind that some also may count as the diversity requirement (see the 集成 选项卡)和/或写作密集要求(参见 基金会 选项卡).



  • Cultural or historic artistic traditions in visual, auditory, movement, theatrical or cinematic art
  • The role of art as critical commentary on society and as an aesthetic expression of experience


  • 具备以下两种或两种以上的知识:环境, 政治制度, 经济体, 社会, 以及美国以外任何地区的宗教信仰
  • Knowledge of the role that different cultural heritages (past and present) play in forming values in another part of the world, 使学生能够在全球环境中发挥作用


  • 一种额外的语言及其相关的文化
  • Linguistic and cultural diversity and the contributions of such diversity to the global society


  • 文学是如何表达文化的
  • 文学形式


  • 来自自然科学或技术的主要概念, including developing and testing of hypotheses; drawing conclusions; and reporting findings through some laboratory experience or an effective substitute (lab experiences are met by either a limited number of interactive experiences, 收集和解释原始数据, 或其他有效的体验,如虚拟实验室)
  • 如何评价科技信息的来源


  • Concepts, 方法 and theories designed to enhance understanding of human behavior and/or 社会
  • Concepts and theories to problems involving individuals, institutions or nations


  • Historical events and/or philosophical 的想法 of European or American culture
  • 西方的思想和制度是如何演变的

知识整合领域侧重于伦理问题, 将知识应用于具体问题, 以及本科经历与生活的相关性. 


Explore the ways in which knowledge can be applied in areas outside your own field of study. You'll compare and contrast 方法 used in your major with those in another field. 这门课必须与你的专业无关.


  • Evaluate and apply knowledge in a field outside of your major to solve real-world problems across a range of applications
  • Personal, professional, ethical and societal implications of these applications

The capstone experience will create an explicit link between general education and your major (or between general education components if you take a general education capstone instead of one in your major). 顶点可以是跨学科的,也可以是特定学科的. 如果是主修的话, it must explicitly address the relevance to the major of a combination of at least three of the general education knowledge areas and capacities to the major.

Although students who change majors may be required to take a second capstone as part of their major, you are only required to meet the general education capstone requirement once.


  • Appropriate uses of a variety of 方法 of inquiry and a recognition of ethical considerations that arise
  • The ability to integrate the knowledge learned in general education and its relevance to your life and career

写作 intensive courses help students develop advanced writing competency within their major (WIM) and in a discipline outside of their major (WIG). 写作强化课程要求完成 写作基础要求.


  • 多于一种书写格式, 比如书面论文, 实验室报告, 摘要, 小测验, 考试, 期刊, 不评分的写作作业, 课堂写作, 小组写作
  • 通过写作过程进行批判性探究, 包括收集, 解释, 评估, 并修改适合学习领域的信息


U.S. 多样性

Make sure one of your general education courses and/or courses for your major also fulfills the diversity requirement. A course can qualify to meet the diversity requirement if one-half of its content deals with issues relating to at least two of the following: race, 性别或种族.


  • Knowledge of how diverse 价值体系 and societal structures are influenced by at least two of the following: race, 性别和种族
  • 这些给社会带来的主要挑战和问题